Mobile games are the main entertainment method of most of the mobile phone users. Although being a very profitable industry, statistics reveal that fewer than five percent of the actual users play games on their mobile devices regularly.
Despite the fact that mobile game developers stated that their products are evolving and they are soon to offer console-like experiences and quality, hardcore gamers don't seem to show any interest in this kind of games. It is very clear that this type of gamers avoid the mobile platform because of the limited technical capabilities it has to offer. Being a hardcore gamer means that you always have to play the latest appearances and fully take advantage of the new graphics, sound and gameplay that only recent and powerful consoles are offering. Not being the best platform for gaming makes the most dedicated gamers avoid this type of mobile entertainment.
On the other hand, we have casual gamers, people that only play a game when they are bored and do this as a last resort. The mobile platform suits perfectly this type of gamers because of its main advantage, mobility. Also, casual gamers don't look to benefit from the latest graphics and other technical features that the rest of the platforms are offering. Obviously, mobile games cannot compete with console games since they don't have the advantage of having a dedicated platform. But, for example, a chess game can be played on a mobile device in perfect conditions without requiring the technical advancements of other platforms.
Mobile games still have the advantage of being accessible because every person with a mobile phone can play them without having to purchase another device. Also, people continue to play mobile games because they are always available having in mind that they always carry the mobile phone with them.