Since the AI (artificial intelligence) of most games can be easily defeated by skilled players, people stated their need for a better challenge and received the opportunity to play against a human opponent in a multiplayer mode. During the past few years it has become much more popular than the single player mode on most platforms including PC and consoles, but they are a very rare thing on mobile devices.
Only recently, few network operators started offering players the chance of playing against their friends, but there is only a limited number of titles available on the market. On other platforms, multiplayer games were the impulse needed to proceed to a next level and the ones that produce huge revenues for the publishers and developers. But on the mobile platform there are a few problems that make this difficult to happen. First of all, there is the incompatibility between the hundreds of mobile devices that are actually in use. It is difficult to make a game work on all these platforms, imagine how hard can it be to interconnect two or more devices in a mobile game. For a massive experience with hundreds or maybe thousands of players involved, a very large bandwidth and a good data transfer rate are mandatory and they are quite expensive for the regular user. For a small game, the old infrared, Bluetooth or even Wi-Fi connections can be user, each offering their own advantages and disadvantages. Users also have the option provided by browser-based games but this also needs a good Internet connection, while offering a limited visual experience.
Solving all those problems can create the basis of the expansion of multiplayer mobile games, a step that could represent a real revolution in mobile gaming, both in player experience and in revenues. On the other hand, this could create a social disaster throughout hardcore players that wouldn't have an escape from an artificial universe even when not in front of a console of PC.